Flouncy Floral Blouse

The wardrobe makeover has begun, I have fabric and a desire to sew. 

The first item completed was technically a skirt I started a while back, but I am still tweaking the length of the elastic in the back of the waist band to make it fit as I want. So lets talk about the my new blouse which is complete. 

Above is a picture from the magazine that the pattern is from, I bought the pattern second hand on Ebay though. It looked such a light and breeze summer top. Perfect for keeping cool on a hot summer day, and I don't like the heat. I had bought some fabric to make an apron but when it arrived it was much thinner then expected, not really suitable for an apron, but it would work wonderfully for this blouse.

I carefully traced the pattern, because I never like cutting a pattern in case I want/need to make a different size later. How heart breaking would it be to make the final item and it not be the right size, so I trace and mock new patterns, especially if I have never made anything by the designer/company before.

Some one likes to help (that's not this bloused pattern btw, if you are curious).

I didn't get any pictures of the sewing either, partly because the light in my room isn't great for pictures but also because I forgot / wasn't thinking about posting about it. It was a relatively easy pattern to make, and didn't take long to do. I added a facing rather than the bias the pattern called for. I managed to sew the facing to the wrong side on my first attempt, but otherwise it went smoothly.

Please excuse the messy room and me in my pajama bottoms.

The finished item turned out well, its not fitted, which is my preference, but its intended to be worn with a skirt or other bottom to pull it in at the waist. I love the voluminous sleeves and the fabric works really well for it. Its first wearing was on a Saturday morning weekly shopping trip, the weather was not great so I didn't get any pictures then, the above picture was taken when it had come out the wash and been ironed.

What do you think?


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