Week 38 On The Allotment

We didn't feel very well this weekend, I was part way though a 9 day migraine and Bill just didn't have any go left. So we took it a bit easy. 

We removed some leaves with powdery mildew from the courgettes and pumpkins, picked a few more blackberries, some runner beans, 2 small courgettes and some parsnips. 

The runner beans seem to be slowing now, which is understandable now the weather is getting colder and wetter. We have had a pretty good run, so many at points that we where giving them away by the hand full. 

 The blackberries are still going mad, there may have been more there this week than any week before, so many there that we left most and only picked the fattest and still came home with a good bag full. 

The giant courgettes we had become used to have ended, it may be the drop in temperature or maybe the powdery mildew I am just not sure. The 2 we got are plenty for us atm. The pumpkins are taking over the space lately, crawling under the courgettes and into the fruit cage. Several small pumpkins are forming, so cute and white. Bill accidentally cut 2 off when trimming the leaves, but they where too cute to compost so we took them home, one each. 

Bill wanted some parsnips so we dug some up. We thought it would be a quick job but our parsnips are getting much bigger, and longer, and harder to dig out. They are so worth the effort though, they are so big, much bigger than I had expected, being new it hadn't occurred to me that they would keep growing, I wonder when they stop. 

Last is a picture of the rain drops on our grapes, they are starting to plump up, not long now. 


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